Providing a great experience, along with ensuring health and safety, are our top priority. Please see below for commonly asked questions and answers. Reach out to with any additional questions - we're here to help!
How can I register for Data Citizens on the Road events? How much is it?
Registration for Data Citizens on the Road events are free for data professionals. Register by clicking any of the 'register' buttons on your appropriate city. Once registered, be sure you receive a confirmation email. This event is indented for data professionals and Collibra reserves the right to cancel any registrations that may not provide full details.
Do I need to select my sessions in advance?
Once you are registered, you will be able to choose any session you'd like on site, but feel free to click the heart on the sessions you like to let us know what you're most interested in. If a session requires and pre-registration, it will be noted on the agenda.
Will these sessions be available on demand?
While certain sessions may be recorded, Data Citizens on the Road events are in-person only events. For more in-person and digital Collibra events, visit
What does a ticket to a Data Citizens on the Road event include?
Your event ticket includes beverages and refreshments, lunch, as well as drinks and bites at the networking reception. You will be able to access all general sessions (space permitting). While we welcome attendees from out of town, travel and accommodations are at the cost of the individual attendee.
Who should I contact if I have more questions?
You can reach out to or your Collibra account representative.
I'm a Collibra partner and interested in attending. Who can I contact?
There are a limited number of partner sponsorship spots available. Please reach out to your partner representative for more information.